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2023: the review edition

We've made it to the end of 2023 - but what happened this year for the world and for me?

As always on Planet Earth, it was eventful, between ongoing wars, Pakistan's PM being imprisoned, Trump being indicted, and the whole Barbenheimer phenomenon which divided the world.

We had a lot of strikes, not just in the UK, but the SAG went on strike, halting many film and TV productions in a stand against unfair working conditions. Over Christmas/New Year, junior doctors in the NHS are striking over the same issue, indicating that cost of living has not risen along with pay or conditions in the workplace worldwide.

My 2023 was very mixed because I achieved so much but went through a lot at the same time. I travelled to two of my favourite destinations and by some miracle, passed exams. For me, 2023 has been an extreme year with the highs being high and the lows being low. I think I learnt a lot about myself and how personalities or what we percieve of them to be fixed can actually be inaccurate. We are quick to act in the way we have done previosuly or will assume to based on others' assumptions. But 2023 has shown me that, in a time where everything can feel fixed, forced, like you have to go down Route A or life will be over, you can change your mind and do what is best for you. I think back to when I was at school and made plans for my life, and how younger Ishaa had not had the experience or journeys that I have had today to make the decisions I do now.

I attended concerts for the first time and even met my favourite band at a fan sign. I went to karaoke. I started doing dance covers. I stanned new bands and learnt everything I could about them. I also dealt with bereavements. I suffered mistreatment from youth organisations on a local and national level. I wanted to give up so many times on essays and exams because of exhaustion. I felt the most pressure I had ever felt and this was reflected in physical changes.

2023 pushed me to my limits and made me scream numerous times, out of excitement and out of frustration. Everything I have been through has led me here in my current form, a demonstration that if I got through the last few years, the next will be a doddle.

Admittedly, I can be one of those people who scoff loudly at the 'mindset gurus' but 2023 humbled me because it is true. Your mind is what keeps you sane, so protect it, fuel it, give it what it needs to get you where you deserve to be.

I hope 2024 bring us more happiness and success but I am old enough to accept that there will be tough times ahead, perhaps even tougher than before. Instead of trying to hide it, I want to embrace all parts of the year, 2023, 2024, whatever comes our way.

See you in 2024.

*Header image obtained from Wix, all rights reserved 


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