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MCR Airport: Scenes of Terror

A man was kicked in the head by police at Manchester Airport. Why?

Footage has emerged showing the man refusing to be restrained with police later pushing him onto the ground and then proceeding to kick his head. Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham has warned the public not to 'jump to conclusions' as there are 'two sides to every story'.

Kicking someone in the head is not acceptable and this is even more so for the police. When people are arrested after committing crimes or intending to, whether they are murderers or rapists or terrorist, police cannot kick them in the head. It is an abuse of the process as well as an abuse of human rights.

The man is of Pakistani descent so it is being viewed as a racist attack. I am appalled at Burnham's response to see both sides of the story because either way, it does not warrant the response given by the police.

This type of incident is precisely why ethnic minority communities have a fear and mistrust of the police. Seeing these scenes illustrates that just because we have had an Indian PM, it doesn't mean racism has been eradicated from British society.

This must be investigated meticulously - the way these officers behaved has long-lasting consequences. I served as a police cadet when I was a teenager and I still wouldn't say I feel safe despite this training.

There need to be greater efforts to stamp out this behaviour rather than individuals. The police have come under fire in the media for their corruption as well as culture. It is the responsibility of officials such as Andy Burnham to defend the interests of the public. That includes all races and their right to feel protected in society. The police need to condemned for their actions as well as publicly accountable for this incident.

*Image obtained from: all rights reserved 


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