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My Time

Recently, I started evaluating everything I do on a regular basis and whether I still even want to do it. Here's why.

I undertake many tasks, activities, and events on a weekly and monthly basis for various reasons, and it can take time away from other important things. Whether it's activism, sport, or just spending time with people, you can get carried away in thinking you HAVE to do certain things. Now, when I say this, I don't mean dropping out of school because that is most certainly something you HAVE to do. I'm talking more about whether you want to continue taking karate classes or writing a blog, for example.

We sign up for many things and can then feel indebted to continue them. But it recently occurred to me that I have a choice in what activities I want to do, rather than doing it for the sake of continuity. I did things last year because I wanted to try something new but that doesn't mean I have to continue if I want to try something else instead.

I think with young people, the fear of the unknown can be an obstacle. Even if you start disliking the activities you do, it feels like an unnecessary upheaval to start 'again', do something different and have to meet new people too, especially if you were somewhat comfortable before.

You are not the same person you were last year. Therefore, why do the same things you did last year? Going forward, I want to be more conscious of how I spend my time because there is a limited supply after all, the same 24 hours.

There is no room for activities that bore me or make me feel small. I only have time for activities and people that will enrich my life going forward.

1 Comment

Oct 16, 2023

This is the greatest peice I have read in a while ! It took just over a minute to read . I think the most I love about is the realism that the blogger Ishaa Asim puts in to her blogs that allow you to relate to her blogs .I love the fact that Ishaa Asim doesn’t sugar coating things that are going on in the world .


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