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Sexism within Sport: A Misogynist's Dream?

In the 21st century, what could we ask for when we have more than we’ve ever had? Technology, rights to democracy, cooperation (arguably) between countries.  Despite this, we still have a long way to go with sexism in sports.

There is such a distinct attitude towards women within the sporting profession despite the work done to combat it. Women can be viewed as voting equals but not sporting equals (I say viewed because THAT is a conversation for another time).

I have experienced this first hand in my activities - there are people who will make plenty of comments about not wanting to play with a girl because of her gender. And so many assumptions are routinely made about a girl’s ability from her gender.

This has made sport an unwelcome environment for girls and really testified to why more women don’t play sports. How could they when the spaces they enter are predominately male and misogynistic in its existence?

How can I encourage my friends to play, when the environment itself dissuades me from attending?

Constantly feeling like you don’t belong because that is the message you are subjected to. Two girls could NEVER play two boys because heaven forbid it would be SO unfair as girls are so bad at sports!

It’s laughable how so many people take it to this level of seriousness - so what if the teams aren’t equal? Play anyway, give people a chance. And on the off chance that these people do in fact agree, they play horrendously on purpose because they’re far too good to be associated with the likes of you, thank you very much.

The snide comments, the looks - all of this behaviour results in discouraging women engaging in sports. I love playing sports but for how much longer when you feel out of place? It's bad enough when you know they are thinking it or saying behind your back, but right in front of me when I'm standing there? How stupid do you think girls are? In fact, don't answer that question, your ill behaviour has already given it away.

And to give you the other side of the coin: there is sexism from women too, girls who believe they're too good to play with you because 'they're on the boys' level'. This is such a joke because instead of defending your own, you're choosing to ensure only you get to benefit from playing with different people. What happened to girls supporting girls? Is that all for social media? Does that philosophy not translate onto the court?

Perhaps, consider this view: it isn’t that women don’t want to play sports because they’re not interested. Maybe you’re a part of the problem and need to change your behaviour in order to get the conducive environment that encourage everyone to play, regardless of gender.

This is hardly the World Championships. Do better. And share this with people who need to see it, because quite often, those individuals won't be the ones reading this even though it's about them.


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