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The Importance of Filling Your Cup

Recently I was speaking to a friend of mine and we were talking about our passions in comparison to the types of work/career we want to pursue. It made me think about how we do things that we HAVE to do, and the things we WANT to do. Is there a distinction, or do we have the need to do both?


When I'm talking things you HAVE to do, it's essentially not an option, like going to school. But as you get older, it can materialise as things you can stop doing but won't because of the bigger picture. For example, you may have absolutely no desire to go to university, but choose to do so because you know it will increase your job prospects. You may talk frequently of dropping out but realistically, you can't because the short-term pain is worth the long-term reward.


When I'm talking about what you WANT, it is a free uninfluenced choice that stems from a fulfillment element of your brain. This can be what you choose to eat, what activities you join, or what hobbies you undertake. This can be playing sports, listening to music, whatever helps you get through the day.


My friend's point was that yes, we do have these hobbies (she plays an instrument and I do dance covers) but at the end of the day, our work has to take priority as that is our career. But I told her that it is important for us to have interests outside of work. We both take great joy from doing these activities. The activities are a WANT because we aren't obligated to do them, but what if they are a HAVE TO, arising out of a need?

We need to do things such as play sports, music, dance, and enjoy other things there are in life. Only then can we contribute the best versions of ourselves to our work. In essence, we must fill our cup because you cannot pour from an empty cup. I think you have to allow yourself to find new activities and have a life outside of work because it can get very easy to fixate on just that and nothing else.

*Header photo shows a cup displayed in Manchester, not an ad/promotional material, all rights reserved 


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