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Trace Collective x Ishaa Asim

The silence comes for a good reason... last week, I was invited to London by Trace Collective to delve into my work as an activist!

Trace Collective is a sustainable clothing brand based in London. The brand wanted to bring together climate activists from all over the UK to discuss their work, explore how we can impact systemic change and act as muses for a photoshoot.


Before getting there, I didn't know what to expect. I'd been told it was a day for changemakers to delve into their journeys, and that we would get a chance to do a photoshoot (which sounded awesome but scary). Maybe the invite was accidental, they wanted me for the climate part, not the modelling? I have always been up for modelling (especially sustainable clothing) but I know I am not the industry's typical model. This made it more touching for them to have asked me to be a part of this.


The morning started with a lovely spread, a presentation and an icebreaker. The spread had lots of fresh fruit, including strawberries and blueberries, as well as almonds and cashews. The icebreaker involved using an adjective to describe ourselves, that had to begin with the first letter of your name (I chose inquisitive). The presentation was conducted by the CEO of the Trace Collective, and outlined the plan for the day as well as making us feel comfortable.

I really enjoyed the entire day. I did not expect to have as much time to self-reflect on my journey and activism. I had assumed we would be focusing on ways to collaborate and make an impact, but we spent a lot of time looking at ourselves, what motivated us to be the people we are today and how we could work on issues we face on a local level. It was really eye-opening to speak to other changemakers about their journeys, and then get advice on how to deal with issues we were facing in our organisations. In this respect, it was very productive, as we received ideas and solutions. I also found it cathartic to just open up about the challenges I had faced. Everyone was so understanding and listening to their fresh perspectives was very helpful. I really appreciated the support and loved listening to other topics and issues too.


This is the part I was most excited and nervous for. Trace Collective allowed us to be their muse and try on their clothes! It didn't take us long to find what we loved and show each other. All of Trace's clothing is sustainable, and 100% linen/cotton, which was handy when the location for filming was really warm! The materials fit so well and were breathable in hot weather, which made modelling much easier!

The modelling itself was a brilliant experience. I took it upon myself to get behind the scenes shots of people and keep the spirit up. When it came to my turn, I was ready and had some poses in mind. The photographer was lovely and guided us to ensure we got our best angles. I also enjoyed having the opportunity and creative freedom to try obscure poses, like the chair one here.


The day was one of the best I have had in a while; I got to go to London, meet extraordinary people and learn so much about climate activism. I enjoyed making connections, laughing over our common struggles and bonding over vegan pizza and salad. I am so grateful to Trace Collective for inviting me and allowing me to have this experience. It has changed the way I approach things in activism, as well as in education. Thank you!

* Professional photos to follow 
* The Trace Collective:  

2 commenti

18 ago 2021

I love this! Was so nice to meet such awesome activists!

Mi piace
Ishaa Asim
Ishaa Asim
18 ago 2021
Risposta a

Thank you so much for your support, Harvey! 🌟

Mi piace

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