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18. You’ve been a challenge, I won’t lie. But what else would I expect from the year that made me an adult in the times of a global pandemic?

I’m turning 19 in what will be my second lockdown birthday (just my luck being an April baby). I was 17 when college ended, and to now be 19 is crazy to think about.

This year has not been what I expected. I was most looking forward to voting and starting university. Well, my poll card finally arrived (May 6th, save the date) and I’m excited to be exercising my democratic right to vote.

And yet, being 18 has been really difficult. Last summer we had the Black Lives Matter protests, and recently we had the protests standing up for women’s rights in the aftermath of Sarah Everard‘s death. The Government has responded to these protests by introducing a new Police and Crime Bill, which aims to limit the rights of protestors and gives the police more powers.

They say growing up is scary, but I never understood that to mean questioning everything around you that you took for granted. Questioning society, how it functions and how governments act to public opinion.

I hope being 19 will focus my perspective. I wish for a more normal world, but now know that my outlook is equally important. The things that used to matter don't bother me as much as before. They say, it isn't what others think of you that matters, but what your 13 year old self would think of you.

13 year old me would be bursting with excitement. I have had opportunities I thought I would have only dreamed of, such as becoming a Youth MP for Manchester and going on to host an awards ceremony. She would also be geeking out about counting the ballots for the young people in Manchester and writing speeches to deliver to members of the Manchester City Council.

Going forward, I think my experience of turning 18 and 19 in a pandemic has given me resilience and patience, contrary to the Education Secretary's comments about children becoming less disciplined during lockdown. I have had to make the most of what I have, which is what life is all about after all. I want to make sure I continue talking about the issues I care about, such as the environment and Fairtrade. I want to support others to continue their own campaigns, to inspire them to talk about their passions. I want to continue being a youth activist (unsure if I'm still youth at 19 but I feel 12?) and encourage organisations to put young people on the agenda. If there are decisions being made that affect young people, we should be in the room. Any organisation that does so does not have my gratitude; this should be the norm and we should accept that.

It's now time for me to celebrate my birthday in lockdown style - a takeaway meal and birthday cake! My mother did go all out on decorations, so photos to follow on social media. See you later readers.


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