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Local Elections 2024

I mean, even I can't be bothered anymore, so why should you?

Local elections 2024 are here, which means time to select our local councillors and for Greater Manchester, the next GM Mayor. But after a turbulent 3-4 years, what is the point? Are young people listened to? Does our vote even make a difference?

I've been asking myself these questions. Thinking of whether I wanted to vote or not. And Thursday is a busy day for me, so voting is another thing to do. But I got out of bed today and went to vote at 8am.

Why? Because it is a privilege. Because I have the choice to change the future. Because I have to do what is in my power to make sure my voice is heard.

Every single vote counts - don't forget that in December 2019, 10 million people voted for Boris Johnson' s Conservatives but 12 million people did not vote at all. They could have formed a party and entered Parliament.

That is the power of voting. To change the course of history. Or for everyday reasons, to show who you want to represent you.

I voted - and felt like I had done my part. Exercise your right too, and don't forget to take photo ID to the polls.

Polling Station sign


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