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the end of 2020 (at last!)

There have been points in this awful year where it has dragged, most notably the infamous March lockdown. By some miracle and twenty hand sanitiser bottles later, we seemed to have made it to New Year's Eve.

I usually spend New Year's with relatives out of Manchester, so this year it feels weird to be home for New Year, and in my pyjamas. I do love getting dressed in sequins or my all time favourite velvet, but this year, I'll be sitting at home, watching the New Year programmes on BBC One and helping out with our own firework display.

Image of Ishaa posing for a photo as she writes this blog :)
" The pandemic has taken first place as the key event of 2020, claiming many lives globally. "

2020 is a year that will need no introduction for decades to come. It feels surreal to be living it, as I wonder how our situation will be remembered and depicted. Netflix has a new show out called 'Death to 2020', and that will be the first of many films about the pandemic. The pandemic has taken first place as the key event of 2020, claiming many lives globally. In the UK today, 964 deaths were recorded, the new daily highest number since the pandemic begun. We all have been affected; everyone knows someone who has had COVID. Even those without COVID, the restrictions in place have been tough for people to deal with. Matt Hancock announced yesterday that Greater Manchester would be entering Tier 4, along with 75% of the country. Tier 4 is essentially our third lockdown (March, November), which means we will be ringing in the New Year under restrictions with no official fireworks display here or in London.

This is how 2020 will be remembered. But the year isn't a complete write off, which needs to be included in its memory. So many postive things came out of this year too:

  1. 2020 is the year Australia had horrendous bushfires, and Canada and the US sent firefighters over to help combat the issue. Celebrities participated in fundraising efforts to help provide relief for victims of the bushfires.

  2. Lockdown led to a 17% drop in global carbon emissions - less cars out on the roads led to cleaner air and clearer skies (albeit temporarily)

  3. Black Lives Matter movement in June - the world witnessed the horrific murder of George Floyd by a police officer and stood up against racism, igniting a worldwide political demonstration in the midst of the pandemic. This led to people openly talking about race and how society needed to change its view.

  4. Joe Biden was elected as the US President, meaning Kamala Harris will become the first female, first Black and first Indian Vice President! This is a massive step in representation for women of colour in politics.

" I still put myself out there for other opportunities; some I was rejected from and some I was successful for. "

When I think about myself, I have achieved a few things. I was affected by the A-Level results fiasco but I did get in to university at least, even if it didn't work out as planned. I joined a few projects and volunteered my time to develop young people. I finally began this blog which I had been wanting to start for years! I still put myself out there for other opportunities; some I was rejected from and some I was successful for. And I turned the big 1-8 so am somehow an adult in this chaos (bring on the polling booths!).

Image of Ishaa on her 18th birthday during lockdown
" The year has allowed us time to reflect on what we truly want..."

The one thing I will take away from 2020 is resilience. 2020 has taught me that there will be factors way out of your control, that will impact on you and your plans. All you can do is keep going, keep focusing on what you are doing. The year has allowed us time to reflect on what we truly want - why do we give time to a particular project? Is it making a difference? Could you be focusing your efforts elsewhere?

I'm going to be more fussy with my time - 2020 has told me to focus on what I care about. The message right now is 'Stay at Home', but I have seen a massive emphasis on self-care. We need to take time out to recharge and do what makes us happy.

All that's left to do (apart from tidy my room for New Year) is thank you dear readers for sticking with me this year. I can't wait for you to read my next few articles lined up for 2021, so stay tuned...

Wherever you are, I hope you have a lovely New Year :)

*Display image taken by Charlotte Lastoweckyi

*Images of Ishaa taken by her mother


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