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The (non) update - MYC

"she's always been, how can I say it, outspoken..."

The thing about being outspoken is that it is naturally assumed that you have your say and are listened to. The reality is far from it.

I have spoken about my cases of mistreatment with MYC and BYC. MYC has not responded or said anything in relation to my experience. To be honest, what did I expect? They hardly supported me when cutting me off, so why get in contact now? Why muster an apology?

I did wonder if they would get in touch but nothing apart from their Youth MPs contacting me offering support, as well as former members who went through the same thing. Radio silence from their management who want nothing more than the outspoken girl to have her say and then disappear.

I did not start sharing my experience to gloss over and pretend it did not happen once it was out there. The VERY least these organisations owed me was an apology and even that was unmanageable.

Ah but what about the benefit of the doubt? Devil's advocate? Maybe they didn't see it, or don't know how to get in touch? Wrong. Because many youth organisations and their members as well as young activists have gotten in touch with me. My social media channels are public. My email address and phone number are the same. There is no issue here with channels of communication but rather an unwillingness to engage in conversation about my mistreatment.

It is exactly this that was my issue. The lack of communication. The ignorance. The pretending I am nobody when I gave 6-7 years of my time to them.

MYC seem to be focusing on their annual campaign and pushing their new youth councillors to take up opportunities. It is these young people who I feel for, who have no idea that this organisation is one that will overpromise and then discard you after you have served their purpose.

*Header image shows the author representing MYC as co-presenter of the Youth Buzz Awards in 2020 alongside professional presenter Jenny Powell.


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