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Top 5 Films for Halloween

It is spooky season and for me, that's delving into horror films!

#5 Insidious

I took a long time to watch this film because my family isn't into horror. I was initially a bit wary of the whole paranormal activity vibe with ghosts and the supernatural, but I found it fascinating! I really liked the emotions in the film and how it had many characters with different elements. They didn't overplay the idea of ghosts in a way that felt fake and laughable.

The ending was also very cliffhanger based which made me think about so many scenarios! I do need to get onto numbers 2 and 3 now...

#4 The Purge

A classic! Everyone has seen it - I watched this and the second one. The idea of there being a day where committing crimes without repercussions is an interesting concept and makes for good stories. I really liked seeing the morality of the characters as well as their attitudes toward crime, as well as how the class system affected this.

It really makes you think about your actions and what we could potentially do if there weren't consequences (legally) - would we be more violent people?

#3 It

Clowns are classic horror - and what better way to depict this than through the view of school kids and their curiosity? I like this view because it reminds me of being in school and going on adventures, which is something nostalgic for everyone.

The story is good, it does have sad elements in it but I like that it is realistic to an extent. It's a horror film, so there will be "bad" things happening. The story's link to past events is something I enjoy: films that link to decades ago seem to have well-developed plots.

#2 Us

One of the best films ever - Lupita Nyong'o is one of my favourite actresses and she knocked it out of the park in Us. The film was so clever in the concept as well as the twists that confused me and made me doubt what was happening at all times. I find this scary but it was amazing!! The effects were good and the simple use of colour as well as imagery in setting the horror scene was very impressive.

It was directed by Jordan Peele, who I find tends to do really good horror films.

#1 Get Out

My beloved number one. I think I've seen this two or three times, which is a lot for me as I tend to dislike rewatching things.

I saw this in cinemas when it first came out and I was HOOKED. Daniel Kaluuya was incredible and his character's plight and detailed emotions were so engaging. It made for relevant societal commentary on the place of race in relationships, as well as examining human nature.

I found it exciting because it had horror, it had surprises, and the main character was so relatable, an everyday guy in the middle of a plot.


Halloween is the best time to watch horror films - whether that's bloody, gory, paranormal, or everyday commentary around human behaviour.

What films will you be watching this Halloween?


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