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GM Hustings Resource 2024

On Tuesday, I attended the GM Hustings to hear what the candidates standing for Greater Manchester Mayor will do if elected.

The candidates standing for Mayor are:

  • Jake Austin (Liberal Democrats)

  • Dan Barker (Reform UK)

  • Nick Buckley (Independent)

  • Andy Burnham (Labour and Co-operative)

  • Laura Evans (The Conservative Party Candidate)

  • Hannah Spencer (Green Party)

The Conservative candidate and Independent candidate did not attend. You can access the resource below to see the key priorities:

The Hustings was very interesting - whilst candidates were respectful for the majority of the time, they did clash. In particular, Dan Barker of Reform UK, and Andy Burnham of Labour and Cooperative, gave opposing statistics on crime. They also clashed over the HS2 situation, with Barker alleging that Burnham and Liverpool Metro Mayor Steve Rotherham were responsible for holding up Northern plans. Burnham clarified that they had sorted the matter out and were waiting for the Government's approval on transport plans.

The audience reacted well to all candidates and there were some surprising reactions to some statements. Barker's statement on capitalism vs socialism was very intriguing for the audience, as well as Hannah Spencer's link to social issues throughout the questions.

Based on this Hustings, Burnham seemed to capture the most attention in terms of his statement and views, but it is salient to note that as the current Mayor, he has more evidence to provide for and against his case. Spencer and Austin made very credible arguments for their parties; I particularly liked Austin's relatability as well as Spencer's openness about her experience in politics. Barker had some controversial views that were questioned by the audience, but I liked his honesty in admitting to what he could do for young people. Barker and Burnham's disagreements were based on ideology as well as statistics - I think it was engaging to view because the audience got to see both sides, one of what we want to see in the world, and one that shows us what is feasible based on the current economy.

Attending the Hustings has assisted in my choices. I was undecided before despite being very politically active because of the current state of politics. I now have a clearer idea of the candidates and what they stand for, so this is a starting point to research more.

I created this resource to help form your views on the candidates and what they stand for. Share it online, download it, and see what you think and how it can change your opinions.

Elections are in two weeks, on Thursday 2nd May - may the best candidate win!

4 people sitting at a table with microphones sitting in front of them
(L-R): Dan Barker, Andy Burnham, Jake Austin, and Hannah Spencer

*All rights are reserved by the author, Ishaa Asim, of Little I, over the images presented as well as the resource created 


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