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I'm A Voter!

I just voted in my first national election - hopefully the first of many!

I began this blog because of my interest in the US Election 2020 and now to be voting in a national election after years of campaigning for youth voice is surreal.

This decision was definitely one of the hardest ones I have ever made - there is such a sense of civic responsibility involved and as a politically active young person, seeing parties change dramatically has been hard.

Whatever happens, whatever the result, whether it is this Labour landslide or shock Conservative win, I know I have had my say and can stand by it. I exercised my democratic right and encouraged others to get out and vote too.

Now it's time to get people involved before the polls close at 10pm. After that, the waiting game begins and I'll be up all night monitoring the results.

Don't miss out on this chance - you won't have one for another five years and there are so many young people who wish they could vote. As one of them who now can, I understand the pressure and mixture of emotions.

Happy voting. And take ID!

Girl outside a polling station
Little I's author has given her vote!

*Author owns the rights to the image, all rights reserved 


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