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"January is rubbish"

Is it?

I was stating to my mother that January, in particular, New Year's Day, is pointless and boring. All it has is the post-blues of the holidays, the return to work/exams, and wishing your NY resolutions had been easier. Not to mention Blue Monday, the third Monday of January that is said to be the most depressing day of the year. But my mother responded that January was effectively what you wanted to make it.

And I guess that is right. When I think of January, I am prone to groan and mumble about the inconsistent weather, the tension over work, and the feeling that nothing good will happen for a month or so. But in my last blog, I discussed how mindset does come into it; the more I feel negative about January, the worse it will be.

That's not to say I'm going to do a complete 180 and start preaching January as the fresh start for everything. I think we place so much importance on January that it can't help but fall short.

For me, I'm going to use my time to figure out what I want from 2024 and from January. Every day is an opportunity: in making progress with projects, staying consistent with social media, applying for jobs in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. Even writing this blog for me is continuing my commitment to be active - my blog stats from 2020-2023 indicate that January is a weak month for blogs, probably because of what I've already explained.

Maybe January is neither amazing nor rubbish, but an average month that we can mould into what we want. January will serve the purpose I want, so it's time to start planning and working for what we desire.

*Header photo is obtained from a copyright-free site


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